Genesis - Chapter 41 Questions

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Q1.  After how many years did Pharaoh dream that he stood by the river? (v1)

2 years.

2 full years.

About 2 years.


Q2.  What fed in the meadow? (v2)

7 well favoured kine and fatfleshed.

7 well favoured and fatfleshed cows.

7 well favoured and fatfleshed kine.


Q3.  Where did the seven other kine, which were ill favoured and lean-fleshed, stand? (v3)

Upon the brink of the river.

By the other kine.

Both A & B.


Q4.  What did the ill favoured and leanfleshed kine eat? (v4)

The 7 well favoured and fat kine.

The 7 well favoured and fatfleshed kine.

Neither A nor B.


Q5.  When Pharaoh slept and dreamed the second time, what did he see? (v5)

7 stalks of corn, rank and good.

7 ears of corn on one stalk.

7 ears of corn, rank and fatfleshed.


Q6.  What had happened to the 7 thin ears? (v6)

They were blasted by the west wind.

They were blown by the east wind.

They were blasted by the east wind.


Q7.  The 7 thin ears devoured which other ears? (v7)

The 7 rank and full ears.

The 7 rank & good ears.

The 7 rank and fatfleshed ears.


Q8.  Whom did Pharaoh NOT call to help interpret his dream? (v8)


Wise men.



Q9.  What man remembered his faults? (v9)

Chief butler.

Chief baker.



Q10.  Where did Pharaoh put the chief butler and baker? (v10)

In prison.

In ward with the captain of the guard.

In ward in the captain of the guard’s house.


Q11.  According to what did the chief butler and baker dream? (v11)

The interpretation of the dream.

To each his own dream.

To each his own interpretation.


Q12.  Which description did the chief butler NOT use concerning Joseph? (v12)

A young man, an Hebrew.

A fellow prisoner.

Servant to the captain of the guard.


Q13.  Even though they brought Joseph to Pharaoh hastily, what did he do first? (v14)

Bathed and changed his raiment.

Shaved and changed his raiment.

Bathed and shaved.


Q14.  What was Joseph’s response when Pharaoh told him what he had heard of him? (v16)

It is a gift given to me by Jehovah.

God grant that you will receive a peaceful answer.

It is not in me: God shall give Pharaoh an answer of peace.


Q15.  When Pharaoh retold his dream to Joseph, how did he describe the fatter cows? (v18)

Fatfleshed and well favoured.

Well favoured and fat.

Neither A nor B.


Q16.  How did Pharaoh NOT describe the second bunch of cows to Joseph? (v19)

Poor and very ill favoured and leanfleshed.

Such as I never saw in all the land of Egypt for badness.

Ill favoured and leanfleshed.


Q17.  What happened when the ill favoured kine ate the first 7 kine? (v20-21)

It could not be known that they had eaten them.

They were still ill favoured.

Both A & B.


Q18.  How did Pharaoh describe the thin ears to Joseph? (v22-23)

Withered, blasted by the east wind.

Withered, thin and blasted by the east wind.

Thin and withered.


Q19.  Who did Pharaoh tell Joseph he had asked to interpret the dream? (v24)


Wise men.

Priests of the gods of Egypt.


Q20.  What did God shew Pharaoh? (v25,28)

His power and Godhead.

What he is about to do.

How to build a pyramid.


Q21.  What did Joseph say that the 7 thin kind represented? (v27)

7 years of bad luck.

7 years of plenty.

7 years of famine.


Q22.  How much “plenty” would Egypt by blessed with for 7 years? (v29)

Great plenty.

Good and plenty.

Plenty of food.


Q23.  Joseph said that “plenty would be forgotten” and then what would happen? (v30)

The angel of death would ride the east wind.

Famine shall consume the land.

God would judge Egypt.


Q24.  What word did Joseph use to describe the famine? (v31)





Q25.  ”Because the thing was established by God, and God will bring it to pass”, what was done with the dream? (v32)

It was “doubled unto Pharaoh twice”.

It was “one”.

It came to Pharaoh by night.


Q26.  What characteristics did Joseph recommend for the man Pharaoh should set over the land of Egypt? (v33)

Strong and wise.

Discreet and wise.

Faithful and discreet.


Q27.  Which part of the land of Egypt were the officers to collect? (v34)

A fourth part.

A fifth part.

A sixth part.


Q28.  What were the officers to lay up under the hand of Pharaoh? (v35)





Q29.  From what calamity did Joseph say that storing the food would save Egypt? (v36)

Perishing from war.

Perishing from sandstorms.

Perishing from famine.


Q30.  Appointing the officers and storing the food was good in whose eyes? (v37)

Joseph’s and Pharaoh’s.

Pharaoh’s and all his servants.

Joseph’s and all Pharaoh’s servants.


Q31.  What did Pharaoh say was in Joseph? (v38)

The Spirit of God.

A wise and discerning heart.

A brain like a steel trap.


Q32.  Because Joseph was discreet and wise and God shewed him all “this”, Pharaoh put Joseph in charge of everything except: (v39-40)

His throne.

His house.

His people.


Q33.  What symbol of office did Pharaoh not give to Joseph?  (v42-43)

Pharaoh’s ring, a gold chain for his neck, and vestures of fine linen.

Folks to run before him and Pharaoh’s second chariot.

A golden scepter.


Q34.  What would no man in Egypt life up without Joseph? (v44)

Prayers to God.

His hand or foot.

His voice in prayer.


Q35.  Joseph’s Egyptian name was: (v45)





Q36.  Joseph’s wife, Asenath, was the daughter of the priest of which God? (v45)





Q37.  How old was Joseph when he stood before Pharaoh, king of Egypt? (v46)





Q38.  How did the earth bring forth food during the 7 plenteous years? (v47)

By the handfuls.

By the boatloads.

An hundredfold.


Q39.  Where did Joseph lay up the food? (v48)

In granaries.

In cities.

On the palace grounds.


Q40.  Which phrase does not describe the corn that Joseph left off numbering? (v49)

The sand of the sea.

The dust of the earth.

Without number.


Q41.  What was the name of Asenath’s father, priest of On? (v50)





Q42.  Joseph’s two sons were not born until the famine began. (v50)




Q43.  What were the names of the 2 sons of Joseph? (v51-52)

Potiphar and Reuben.

Gad and Asher.

Manasseh and Ephraim.


Q44.  What was in all the lands EXCEPT Egypt? (v54)





Q45.  What condition were the people of Egypt in when they cried to Pharaoh for bread? (v55)

An hungered.




Q46.  When did Joseph open the storehouses and sell unto the Egyptians? (v56)

When the famine was over all the face of the earth.

When the famine waxed sore in the land of Egypt.

Both A and B.


Q47.  What happened because the famine was so sore in all the lands? (v57)

All countries came into Egypt to Joseph for to buy corn.

Pharaoh had more dreams.

Joseph became Pharaoh.

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