Pilgrims - I Peter 1:1-5 - Outline & Audio

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Pilgrims - I Peter 1:1-5


1. Throughout the New Testament, various phrases are used to describe those people of God who make up the Lord's church.

a. Individually: disciples, saints, believers, priests, Christians etc.

b. Collectively the church, the church of God, churches of Christ, the body of Christ, the temple of God, the family of God, etc.

c. Each of these terms describe various relationships maintained by those who are Christians

2. An interesting phrase not commonly used in reference to the people of God is found in I Peter 1:1, where Peter addresses "the pilgrims of the Dispersion"

3. A proper understanding of this phrase can be very beneficial, and give us insight into:

a. What the Christian life is

b. An important responsibility expected of Christians

c. Our true home, and goal in this life


I. Defining Pilgrims of the Dispersion

A. The word translated "Pilgrim" is interesting

1. Transliterated from Greek, it is parepidemos {par-ep-id'-ay-mos} which is a combination of three words:

a. para - "alongside of"
b. epi - "upon"
c. demos - "used in Biblical Greek of the people of a heathen city"

2. Here, then, is how Thayer defines the word

a. "one who comes from a foreign country into a city or land to reside there by the side of the natives"
b. "a stranger"
c. "sojourning in a strange place, a foreigner"
d. "in the NT metaph. in reference to heaven as the native country, one who sojourns on earth: so of Christians (I Peter 1:1)... of the patriarchs (Hebrews 11:13)."

3. Another definition: "One who stays in a place as a stranger or visitor; to describe Christians whose final citizenship is in heaven and who are regarded as temporary dwellers on earth."

B. The meaning of the word "Dispersion"...

1. The Greek word is diaspora {dee-as-por-ah'}

a. It is noun form of the verb diaspeiro
b. Which means "to sow, to scatter seed"

2. The term is found in John 7:35, and there it refers to the Jews who were scattered among the Greeks

a. As a result of the Assyrian and Babylonian captivities
b. This has caused some to conclude that Peter was writing to Jewish Christians who were living in the regions of Asia Minor (modern day Turkey) - cf.  I Peter 1:1

3. But there is good reason to believe that Peter was writing to ALL the Christians, both Jewish and Gentile, who were scattered throughout Asia Minor

a. Comments are made in this epistle that cannot be understood in reference to the original recipients being Jews - cf.  I Peter 1:14, 18, 20-21
b. More likely, Peter employs terms once limited to the Jews, but now applicable to all who are in Christ. For example, elect, holy nation, people of God

4. If this be so, then Peter implies by using the term "pilgrims of the dispersion" that all Christians are pilgrims living in a world not their own

II. Insights from being called "Pilgrims of the Dispersion"

A. This phrase reveals what the Christian life really is...

1. It is but a JOURNEY, begun when we first became Christians, ending only when we reach our true destination

a. This ought to affect our entire perspective on life
1) It is not an end in itself
2) Only a temporary trip toward our final destination
3) Our homes, our jobs, take on a different meaning when viewed in this light
b. This ought to affect our perspective on death
1) Not the end of life, but the end of our journey!
2) Not the end of life, but the beginning of eternity in our true home!

2. Embarked on this JOURNEY, we become like our spiritual father, Abraham

a. Notice Hebrews 11:8-10, 13-16
b. If this be our attitude towards this life...
1) Then God is not ashamed to be called our God
2) And we can honestly sing songs like "This World Is Not My Home"

B. This phrase reminds us of an important responsibility...

1. Our responsibility as "pilgrims" is to be SEPARATE - cf. 1 Peter 2:11-12

a. We may be "in the world," but we are not to be "of the world" -  John 17:15-16; II Corinthians 6:14-7:1
b. Remaining separate may cause some in the world to think we are strange - cf.  1 Peter 4:3-4
c. But Jesus said this would happen, even as it did to Him - John 15:18-19

2. Figuratively speaking, we should be like those foreign refugees now in our country:

a. Who resist giving up their heritage, their language
b. Who resist attempts to "Americanize" them and destroy their cultural traditions

3. Can it be said of us who are Christians, that we are keeping ourselves SEPARATE from the world?

a. Are we allowing the world to influence our...
1) Speech?
2) Dress?
3) Conduct?
b. If we so, then we are no longer "pilgrims," but "naturalized citizens" of this world!
c. Remember John's warning in I John 2:15-17


1. Our citizenship is in heaven, from which we eagerly await our Savior - Philippians 3:20-21

2. We are to be looking for "a new heavens and a new earth" - II Peter 3:13-14

3. That is where we will find our true home, the CITY...

a. "which has foundations, whose builder and maker is God." - Hebrews 11:10, 16
b. That is "the one to come" - Hebrews 13:14
c. That "comes down out of heaven from God" - Revelation 21:1-22:5

4. That is where we, who are now simply strangers and foreigners scattered like seed in this world, will one day be gathered together!

5. Those who are truly "pilgrims" will think often of their true home

a. When I was in Viet Nam, I thought often of my home in the states
b. And so we will think often of our heavenly home, if we are truly "pilgrims of the Dispersion"!


1. Are we "pilgrims of the Dispersion"? We are, if as Christians we...

a. View our life here on earth as a journey in a foreign land!

b. Keep ourselves separate from things in the world that would lead us away from God!

c. View as our true home, the heavenly city God has prepared from those who confess they are strangers and pilgrims on the earth!

2. But you are NOT a "pilgrim of the Dispersion" if...

a. You have not yet begun your spiritual sojourn by obeying the gospel of Christ!

b. Having done so, you allow the attractions of the world to discontinue your journey and "settle down" in things which would separate you from God!

3. Are YOU a "pilgrim of the Dispersion"?

-- Don Treadway, July 2003 --

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