Here are some major events in John to help you remember what is happening
in each chapter.
- The Word
John the Baptist bears witness of Jesus
Andrew, Peter, Philip, Nathanael introduced
- Wedding at Cana
Cleaning the temple
- Nicodemus
Must be born again
John must decrease but Christ increase
- Women at the well
Healing the nobleman's son
- Christ heals lame man at pool of Bethesda
Witnesses of Christ
- Jesus feeds 5000
Walks on water
Bread of life
- Jesus goes to the feast of tabernacles
Officers don't arrest Christ because, "Never man spake like this man"
- Adulteress women
Truth shall make free
- Jesus heals man blind from birth
Pharisees question him
- I am the good shepherd
Jesus taught in temple
- Jesus raises Lazarus
Pharisees plot to kill Jesus
- Mary anoints Jesus
He teaches the Word will judge us
- Jesus washes disciple's feet
Judas is identified with a sop
A new commandment
- Let not your hearts be troubled
Answers for Thomas, Philip, Judas
- Vine and the Branches
Promise of the Holy Spirit
- Christ tells of His death, the fate of the disciples; sending the Holy Spirit
- Christ's prayer on the night before He was betrayed
- Arrest of Jesus
1st & 2nd Jewish and Roman trials
- Pilate questions Jesus and has Him crucified
Jesus is buried
- Resurrection of Jesus
Jesus appears to Mary and to disciples
- Jesus shows Himself at the sea of Tiberias, dines with disciples, tells Peter to
"Feed my sheep"