1. Who tempted Abraham?
2. Where did God tell Abraham to take his son, Isaac?
3. What was Abraham to do with Isaac?
4. After leaving the young men, what did Abraham take with him and Isaac?
5. Whom did Abraham say would provide the lamb for the burnt offering?
6. When Abraham and Isaac came to the place God had told them, what did Abraham do to Isaac?
7. With what did Abraham plan to slay Isaac?
8. How did the angel say he knew Abraham feared God?
9. What did Abraham offer as a burnt offering instead of his son?
10. What is the meaning of the name Abraham gave to this place - Jehovah - jireth?
11. In multiplying his seed, Abraham's descendants would be like what two things?
12. Why would all nations of the earth be blessed by Abraham's seed?
13. After the offering of Isaac, what did Abraham dwell?
14. Who was Abraham's brother?
15. Who was the brother's wife?
16. Who was the father of Aram?
17. Bethuel begat whom?
18. How many children did Milcah bear?
19. The concubine, Reumah, bore how many children?