May and June. Caps and gowns. Commencement
speeches. Graduation. Parties and celebrations. A milestone in the lives
of thousands of youth.
Few can appreciate the "finality" of a high school college
graduation as well as those who have such as ever receding memories.
Certainly, few who stand on stage with diploma in hand waiting to throw
their caps into the air in uproarious celebration can really gasp the
"benchmark" significance of their graduation. From that time
forth, they can never retreat to the safety and predictability of their
former life. Few want to, but even if they want to cling to the known,
it is past.
Graduation is a launching. The shore must be left behind. Uncharted
waters are ahead. That can be both exciting and frightening. No
guarantees for success are available. Some sink and some swim. Some
reach the distant shore, some do not. More than anything else, God is
the deciding factor in a life.
"From this time forth...." Fitting words from the
Psalms for graduations and others who would go with God. "The
Lord is thy keeper: the Lord is thy shade upon thy right hand. The sun
shall not smite thee by day, nor the moon by night. The Lord shall
preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth, and even
for evermore"