Lessons on The Church - Day 4

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by Ralph Price, June 2000


  1. When we discuss the worship of the church, we must understand authority.

  2. As Christians, we must do all that we do with authority from God (Col 3:17).

  3. When the commandments of men are taught, the result is vain worship (Mt. 15:9).


  1. The Lord’s church is commanded to worship in song.
    1. Ephesians 5:19. From this we learn:
      1. Our singing should be vocal.
      2. Our singing should be accapella. Made from the heart.
    2. Colossians 3:16. From this we learn:
      1. Not only are we to praise God in song but we can also admonish one another as well.
      2. Again, our sing should be accapella.
  2. Man’s Innovations.
    1. Mechanical instruments of music.
      1. We have no authority for the instrument.
      2. We have no example of the instrument in the New Testament.
      3. If one is to play an instrument then we all have to.
    2. Hand Clapping.
      1. This is the same as mechanical instruments.
      2. It is not vocal and therefore, wrong. It doesn’t bring praise to God or admonish our brethren.
    3. Special Singing.
      1. Again, no authority.
      2. We are to sing to one another and not sit and listen (Ephesians 5:19).
      3. That is simply entertainment.


  1. We have the New Testament example of the Word being taught in the assembly of the church (Acts 20:7).
  2. Man’s Innovations.
    1. Man has strayed away from the Word of God and started teaching philosophy and men’s wisdom.
      1. Paul simply taught Christ crucified (1 Cor. 2:1-5).
      2. Once man’s wisdom is taught, our faith is vain (Mt. 15:9).
    2. Drama.
      1. Many groups view this as an acceptable alternative to preaching.
      2. There is no New Testament example of it.
      3. It was very prominent in Jesus day but it is nowhere mentioned in the Bible as a teaching tool.
      4. 1 Corinthians 1:21.


  1. Christ instituted this feast on the night before he was betrayed (Mt. 26:26-29).
    1. The Emblems.
      1. Unleavened bread. Emblematic of His body.
      2. Fruit of the Vine. Emblematic of His blood.
    2. The Purpose.
      1. As a memorial to Him (1 Cor. 11:24).
      2. To show His coming (1 Cor. 11:26).
    3. The Frequency.
      1. Acts 20:7. The first day of the week.
      2. Every week has a first day.
    4. Who is to partake? Those in the kingdom (Mt. 26:29).
  2. Man’s Innovations.
    1. Don’t have to take it every week.
    2. Don’t use the correct emblems.
    3. Say it is for the remission of sins.


  1. The Lord’s church continued in prayer (Acts 2:42).
  2. Man’s Innovations.
    1. Some pray to Mary or others besides God.
      1. Christ said that we are to pray to the Father in His name (Jn. 14:13-14).
      2. We shouldn’t make the mistake of trying to pray directly to Christ either.
    2. Women leading prayers.
      1. Women are not to usurp authority over the man (1 Tim. 2:12).
      2. This wasn’t just a cultural law but from the creation itself (1 Tim. 2:13-15).


  1. The New Testament Church gave on the first day of the week (1 Cor. 16:1-2).
  2. Man’s Innovations.
    1. Still hold to tithing even though that is an Old Testament principle (Col. 2:14).
    2. Give on days other than the first day of the week.
    3. Accept money from sources outside the church. Fund-Raisers.


  1. Fellowship with denominations (Eph. 5:11).
  2. Hand Raising / Waving.
  3. Baby Dedications.
  4. Sports Leagues with the Lord’s name attached


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