Apostasy and Restoration - Acts 20:27-31 - Outline & Audio

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Biblical references in Gahanna-Jefferson Church of Christ's nondenominational sermon outlines are linked directly to text of the King James version of the Bible. Bible quotes you hear in the streaming audio may be from the New King James version of the Bible.

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Acts 20:27-31


1. The New Testament reveals the establishment and early growth of the church.

a. The church Jesus said He would build - Matthew 16:18

b. The church Paul wrote that Jesus loved - Ephesians 5:25-27

2. The Lord's will is that there be one church.

a. He prayed for the unity of His followers - John 17:20-23

b. Paul later wrote that there is one body (i.e., church) - Ephesians 4:4-6; 1:22-23

3. Yet we see around us so much religious confusion, so many different churches.

a. How did it happen?

b. What can disciples of Christ today do about it?

c. In the first place, we really should not be surprised by all the different churches.



A. By the apostle Paul.

1. In warning the Ephesian elders - Acts 20:27-31

a. Of wolves coming in from outside the flock.
b. Of men from among yourselves drawing disciples away.

2. In warning the church at Thessalonica - 2 Thessalonians 2:1-3

a. Of a great falling away that must come.
b. Revealing the man of sin, the son of perdition.

3. In warning the evangelist Timothy - 1 Timothy 4:1-3; 2 Timothy 4:1-4

a. Describing how some will depart from the faith.
1) Giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons.
2) Forbidding to marry, commanding to abstain from meats.
b. Describing how some will not endure sound doctrine.
1) Getting teachers who will tell them what they want to hear.
2) Turning from the truth, turning aside to fables.

B. By Peter, Jude, John and Jesus.

1. Peter warned of false teachers to come - 2 Peter 2:1-2

a. Who will bring in destructive heresies.
b. Whom many will follow.

2. Jude warned of false teachers who were present - Jude 3-4

a. Who had crept in unnoticed.
b. Who were turning the grace of God into lewdness.
c. Who were denying the Lord God and the Lord Jesus Christ

3. John warned of antichrists who had come - 1 John 2:18-19

a. Many, in fact, had come!
b. Indicative of living in the last hour.

4. Jesus had warned, there would be false prophets - Matthew 7:15

5. Before the canon of the New Testament was completed, the apostasy was already underway.


A. A gradual process.

1. In many cases, innocent at first.

a. Attempting to deal with errors in and out of the church.
b. Leading to a change in the organization of the church.
1) From autonomous, independent congregations overseen by a plurality of elders also known as bishops and pastors - Acts 14:23; 20:17, 28; 1 Peter 5:1-2
2) To a group of churches under one bishop - Ignatius
c. Resulting in centralization of power and influence among key individuals.

2. This subtle change made it much easier for error to spread.

a. When those in power began teaching false doctrine.
b. Before long, the very errors foretold by Paul were being taught - 1 Timothy 4:1-3

3. Through slow but gradual changes, the seeds of modern churches were sown.

a. Producing what later became known as the Roman Catholic Church.
b. But also many other orthodox churches (Greek, Egyptian, Russian, Armenian, etc.)

4. Just as foretold, many departed from the simplicity of the Lord's church.

B. What of the Lord's church?

1. I believe the Lord's church continued on.

a. For not even the gates of Hades could prevail against it - Matthew 16:18
b. It is a kingdom that cannot be destroyed - Daniel 2:44
c. Wherever there are faithful disciples, though few and unknown, the church exists - Acts 2:47

2. Faithful disciples would have undoubtedly been treated as heretics.

a. For refusing to follow those in power.
b. By those presuming to have authority over the Lord's flock.

3. History may not record (or may misrepresent) the existence of those who remained faithful, but the Lord knows His own!

4. Throughout the history of the apostasy, many have come to realize what has happened, and efforts made to rectify the problem.


A. Efforts of reformation.

1. Attempts by those within to reform what they saw as the apostate church.

2. Some reformers were persecuted, either executed or expelled (Luther).

3. Followers of such reformers often started new churches (Lutheran).

4. The end result was denominationalism.

B. Appeals to revelation.

1. Some claimed modern day revelation as a solution (Joseph Smith, Ellen G. White).

2. Believing the Lord was using them to lead people out of religious confusion.

3. Followers of these prophets started many more churches (Mormon, Seven Day Adventist).

4. The end result was even more denominationalism.

C. Calls for restoration.

1. There have been many calls for restoration.

a. Some seeking to restore the Lord's church (as though it had been lost).
b. Others seeking to restore people back to the Lord's church.

2. In both cases, efforts usually centered around restoring the New Testament pattern for the local church (organization, worship, work, etc.)

3. In many cases, the efforts appear to have been short-lived.

a. One generation may have truly been restored to the Lord's way.
b. Yet some in that generation and others to follow simply repeated the process of apostasy (the International Church of Christ).

4. The end result often being even more denominationalism!


1. Of the three (reformation, revelation, restoration), I believe the Biblical response is restoration.

a. As illustrated by the restoration of the Jews after Babylonian captivity.

b. As illustrated by the restorative work of John the Baptist - Luke 1:16-17

2. We must be restored back to the church of the New Testament.

3. Yes the principle of restoration works provided we:

a. Allow the Word of God to be our only guide and authority - Acts 20:32; 2 Timothy 3:16-17

b. Do not allow traditions of men to replace the commands of God - Matthew 15:3-9

4. Otherwise we plant the seeds of apostasy and denominationalism all over again!

5. As followers of Jesus, we do well to imitate His service to God while on earth.

a. Living under the Law of Moses which was in force at that time, He was simply a Jew (not a Pharisee, Sadducee, etc.)

b. Living under the law of Christ today, we should simply be Christians, not members of some denominational party - 1 Corinthians 1:10-13

6. What are you religiously?

a. Involved with the descendants of the apostasy foretold in the Scriptures?

b. One of those whose response to the falling away has resulted in only another denomination?

7. Why not simply be Christian? Let God's Word restore you to the Church of our Lord, revealed in the New Testament. - Acts 2:36-42, 47

Don Treadway, 02/08/2004

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