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There are times when I feel up, when things are going well and I feel in control of my life.

And there are times when I feel tired, overwhelmed, alone and forlorn. I want to think about the "good old days", when circumstances seemed not so complicated. These are the times when I am most tempted.  But, this should not be a surprise.

God knew that hard times would come and he provided for them.  
He made provision that we could be strengthened.

He gave us marriage

In Gen 2:18, we are told that is is not good for us to be alone, so God made a help meet. There are many times thinking of my wife has kept me from temptation.

He gave us the Church

In Heb 10:24-25, we are given the church to lift us up as we consider one another. I thank all of you for being here and being an encouragement to me, and those around you.  

He gave us the assurance of his Son

In Matt 28:18, Jesus tells us that he is always with us. We need to remember that he is with us, even when we are physically alone.

God has done his part. We must also do our part.

Are we looking back?

When we are tempted, do we look back with longing at our sinful past?
Are we like Lot's wife in Gen 19:26, dwelling on the sin we are trying to leave behind?

Or do we flee from sin as God instructs us?

bulletDo we flee fornication as instructed in I Cor 6:18?
bulletDo put God first, fleeing idolatry as instructed in I Cor 10:14?
bulletDo we refrain from youthful lusts, disputings, and the love of money I Tim 6:10 (and preceding)?

Do we do these things, that God has told us, or what seems right to us?

In I Cor 10:13, God tells us that he will make an escape for us, that we can bear temptation.
James 4:7 assures us that if we flee toward God, the devil will flee from us.

But we must decide to do what God says.

If you need to turn from your sin and flee back to God, let us help you.


By repentance and prayer if you are a Christian.

bulletOr by believing and obeying God through repentance, confession of his son, and baptism for the remission of sin to become a Christian (See Plan of Salvation).

Let us help you flee away from sin and toward God.

-- Zachary Van Tassel, January 2001 --

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P.O. Box 307408, Gahanna, Ohio 43230 • Meeting at 7816 Havens Road, Blacklick, Ohio

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