Why not give a friend a tract?
Why not share with a neighbor in need?
Why not help a friend with a personal
Why not encourage someone to take a
Bible correspondence course?
Why not give a smile to someone today?
Why not let God work His purposes in
your life?
Why not show to others that
Christianity is worth sharing anytime,
Why not visit with a newcomer in your
Why not talk to a friend about his
Why not show concern to those who have
lost a loved one?
Why not let someone know you are
"happy" about being a Christian?
Why not start loving your neighbors as
Why not be nice to people even when you
do not feel like it?
-- Kenneth McClain, December 2001 --
GNFY is published under the oversight of the
Alkire Rd Church of Christ elders, 2779 Alkire Road, Grove City, Ohio, 43123.
Please feel
free to reproduce as is. No changes may be made without permission.
Mark Bass, Minister, mebass1957@aol.com,
(614) 875-1028
Leader: John Justus, (614) 274-9563