Unanswered "Why's"

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All of must deal with unanswered "why’s" in life.
bullet"Why did this have to happen now?"
bullet"Why did it have to happen to me 
and my family?"
bullet"Why does injustice seem to go 
bullet"Why do those trying to do right suffer?"

Tough questions. They gnaw at us inwardly; they pick at your faith in God’s goodness and power. "Why, why, why? If I just knew the answer, I could face life much better."  We work and study and pray; still no clear answer comes.

The patriarch Job had unanswered "why’s" added to his almost incomprehensible burdens. We know why he suffered (Job 1:6-11; 2:1-6), but he did not understand why when it was happening. His friends’ answers to "why" did not touch the reality of his situation. Even when God mercifully spoke to him and restored him (Job 38-42), no clear answer to why it had happened was given. In fact, there is a strong note in God’s answer to Job suggesting that man is incapable of handling some of the heavy "why’s" of the universe. 

There will always be unanswered "why’s" around while frail humanity lasts.  So what do we do with those unanswered "why’s" that weaken and worry us?

1) Turn them over to the Lord. He alone may know the answer. His eye sees the end of a thing from the beginning; His wisdom makes simple the most complex and seemingly contradictory matters of life. His love and mercy assure us that we can live rich lives for Him in spite of the "why’s" if we will but turn them over to Him. "Casting all your cares upon Him...." (I Pet. 5:7).

2) Turn them in to "how’s." Instead of forever dwelling on "why’s" that seem beyond answering, ask another question – "How?".

bullet"How can God use me and what has happened to glorify His name?"
bullet"How can I find strength to bear what has happened?" 
bullet"How will this affect me in terms of eternity?" 

"How’s" can be tough to answer, but they often yield more fruit for the effort than certain nagging "why’s".

Maybe on the shore of eternity all unanswered "why’s" will be forever banished;
but until then, we must learn to deal with them.

-- John Gardner, October 2000 --

GNFY is published under the oversight of the Alkire Rd Church of Christ elders,  2779 Alkire Road, Grove City, Ohio, 43123.
Please feel free to reproduce as is.  No changes may be made without permission.
http://GahannaJeffersonChurchOfChrist.org  posts Good News for YOUth by permission of the editor.
Editor: Mark Bass, Minister, mebass1957@aol.com (614) 875-1028
 Youth Leader: John Justus,  (614) 274-9563

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