God knows no strangers,
He loves us all,
The poor, the rich, the great
and small.
He is a friend who is
always there
To share our troubles and
lessen our cares.
No one is a stranger in
God’s sight,
For God is love and He is light.
May we, too, try in our
small way
To make friends from
day to day.
So pass no stranger with an
unseeing eye,
For God may be sending a new
friend by.
-- Bulletin Digest --
GNFY is published under the oversight of the
Alkire Rd Church of Christ elders, 2779 Alkire Road, Grove City, Ohio, 43123.
Please feel
free to reproduce as is. No changes may be made without permission.
Mark Bass, Minister, mebass1957@aol.com,
(614) 875-1028
Leader: John Justus, (614) 274-9563