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This Page Has Moved!"And Elijah came near unto all the people and said, How long go ye limping between the two sies? If Jehovah be God, follow him; but if Baal, then follow him. And the people answered him not a word" (I Kings 18:21). It will not always be clear as to the course of action we should take in this life. Some matters are not so clear cut, and we fret over making the final decision. We make choices each day of our lives. Some choices mean very little while other choices will affect our lives forever. Most people are concerned with choosing the proper course of action in this
world – the want to succeed. True success, however, depends upon
choosing right over wrong – God over Satan! We must not be
indecisive when it comes to spiritual matters. We cannot be lukewarm and indecisive in choosing spiritual over the temporal. A person who cannot make up his mind regarding heaven is in grave danger. If we do not choose to serve and worship God in this life there will be no opportunity to do so in the hereafter. The incident that occurred on Mt. Carmel as noted above reminds us that we cannot go "limping between this world and God." An undecided child of God will be of no value within the church and a stumbling-block to those outside the kingdom. The church needs members who will make up their minds and stand up, put on the Christian armor, lift high the sword of the Spirit and courageously engage in the battle as a soldier of the cross (Eph 6:11-17). -- Marvin L. Weir, January 2001 --