Church Attendance is Important

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It caused people to have confidence in me.

It made people know that I regarded my spiritual welfare as a matter of great importance.

It had a good effect on the services.

It encouraged the brethren and helped the kingdom of Christ.

It caused others to look to Christ for salvation.

It made my life stronger.

It removed a stumbling block from the sinner’s path.

It pleased God and I was happy.

It caused others to say, "He practiced what he preached."
Is your decision not to serve and obey God stair-stepping you into hell?

Is your decision to attend occasionally drawing you down the steps away from Christ and His church?

Do you think you are stronger than you really are and can overcome anything?

It made some question the reality of religion.

It made some think that I was a pretender.

It made some think that I regarded my spiritual welfare as a matter of small concern.

It weakened the effect of the worship services.

It made it harder for the preacher to preach.

It discouraged the brethren and, therefore, robbed them of a blessing.

It caused others to stay away from the church.

It made it harder for me to meet the temptations of the devil.

It gave the devil more power over lost souls.

It encouraged the habit of non-church-going.

Does your attitude portray these words: "I’ll walk as close to the fire as I can and I won’t get burnt" in regards to sin?

Do you believe, truly believe, that your friends in the world are better than your Christian friends?

Because you are poor. There is no admission charge.

Because it rains. You go to work in the rain!

Because it is hot. It is hot at your house too.

Because no one invited you. People go to the movies without being begged.

Because we have a crowd? What about ball games?

Because you do not like the preacher. Remember, he’s human like you.

Because your job makes you tired. You could lose your job.

Because there are hypocrites. You associate with them everyday.

Because you have company. They will admire your loyalty to Christ if you invite them along or they will wait until you get back.

Because you have plenty of time left. Are you sure?

It’s never too late to walk back up the stairs, and back to Christ to obey and serve Him faithfully.

-- May 2000 --

GNFY is published under the oversight of the Alkire Rd Church of Christ elders,  2779 Alkire Road, Grove City, Ohio, 43123.
Please feel free to reproduce as is.  No changes may be made without permission.  posts Good News for YOUth by permission of the editor.
Editor: Mark Bass, Minister, (614) 875-1028
 Youth Leader: John Justus,  (614) 274-9563

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P.O. Box 307408, Gahanna, Ohio 43230 • Meeting at 7816 Havens Road, Blacklick, Ohio

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